
Life After COVID-19

How do we move forward after a pandemic? It is unimaginable to have to even consider an actual answer to this question. For the last fourteen months, lives have drastically changed. People went from living active, engaging lives- going to work, the gym, concerts, out to dinner, traveling, socializing with family and friends- to a more sedentary lifestyle, largely remaining isolated in their homes. While pets were thrilled to spend more time with their owners, the negative impacts of this sudden shift will inevitably have far-reaching effects on many.

Consider if you used to go to the gym three to four times a week, but stopped during this extensive pause. The first time you head back, without easing into your routine, the occurrence of strains, sprains, or injuries increases dramatically. If there has been a significant lack of activity, perhaps you gained weight. What impact do the extra pounds have on your body frame during everyday tasks? If you worked outside the home in an office and sat at a desk, chances are it was set up ergonomically correctly. Your makeshift workspace at home may have led to poor posture with an increased risk for injury. Who knew working with the computer on your lap, hunched over while watching t.v on the couch with your feet up was a bad thing? How many doctor appointments have you missed this year? Perhaps you delayed annual physicals with your primary, follow-ups with cardiologists or endocrinologists, and don’t forget your preventative care measures like mammograms, osteoporosis, blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer screenings. Unfortunately, in the last year, many of you were diagnosed with COVID-19, and while you have recovered, complications have prevented you from resuming normal activity. Now that restrictions are lifting and it is slowly returning to business as usual, there is a renewed focus on wellness and prevention.

For your rehabilitative needs, our experienced physical and occupational therapists at Theradynamics outpatient clinics are committed to helping you return to a more active lifestyle. We have remained vigilant and have implemented several preventative measures to ensure your safety and well-being, as keeping our patients safe is more than just about preventing injuries. The demand for general health and wellness will be increasing and Theradynamics stands ready to meet these needs. With our one-on-one approach and patient-centered plan of care, your goals to regain mobility and restore function and overall health are our priority. We offer various modalities and hands-on techniques like taping, massage, and myofascial release, that stand proven in providing pain relief and increased range of motion. Our cutting-edge technology and top-of-the-line equipment transform how you engage and focus on your therapy in new and innovative ways. They also provide useful data and reporting to better manage therapy sessions that also can demonstrate evidence of progress.    

Theradynamics’ essential services remain dedicated to improving your quality of life through exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.  For those of you that have delayed care and persisted with a decreased level of activity this last year, there can be serious implications that impact your functionality, how steady you are on your feet, your fall risk, and the ability to take care of yourself.  Now is the time to see your physicians, focus on a healthier you, and book an appointment at Theradynamics today.